New England Apple Pest Management Guide -- 2003-04

2003-04 New England
Apple Pest Management Guide



Credits -- inside front cover
Table of Contents

Part I
Pest Biology, Monitoring, and Management

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) -- 2
Apple Pest Management Calendar (Table 1) -- 4–5
Apple Pest Chronology for Southern New England -- 6
Apple Scab Biology and Epidemiology (Tables 2, 3; Chart 1) -- 7–11
Scab Management Strategies (Charts 2,3) -- 12–17
Scab-Resistant Cultivars (Table 4) -- 18
Other Apple Diseases (Tables 5, 6, 7a, 7b) -- 19–27
Insect and Mite Pests -- 28–46
Apple IPM Resources -- 47
Biological Control Agents (Table 8) -- 48–49
Nematodes -- 50–51
Orchard Vole Management -- 52–54
Deer -- 55–56
Rabbits -- 56
Trunk Painting for Bark Protection -- 56
Disease, Insect and Mite pest photographs -- 57–68 (very large file)
.....Figures 1-5 -- 57
.....Figures 6-9 -- 58
.....Figures 10-13 -- 59
.....Figures 14-25 -- 60
.....Figures 26-37 -- 61
.....Figures 38-49 -- 62
.....Figures 50-62 -- 63
.....Figures 63-73 -- 64
.....Figures 74-86 -- 65
.....Figures 87-98 -- 66
.....Figures 99-110 -- 67
.....Figures 111-122 -- 68

Part II
Pesticide Safety, Selection, and Application

Pesticide Safety -- 69
.....Acute Toxicity of Pesticides (Table 9)
.....Label Compliance -- 72
.....Protecting Water Quality -- 72
.....Restricted Entry Interval, Pesticide Residue Tolerance, & Preharvest Interval
..... (Table 10)
.....Worker Protection Regulations --76–77
.....Pesticide Storage and Disposal-- 78
.....Winter Pesticide Storage (Table 11) -- 79
Abbreviations key -- 80
Notes on Fungicides and Bactericides -- 80–86
.....Activity Spectrum: Apple Fungicides (Table 12) -- 85
.....Characteristics of Scab Fungicides (Table 13) -- 87
.....Fungicide Options for Flyspeck/Sooty Blotch (Table 14) -- 88
Notes on Insecticides and Miticides -- 89–95
.....Activity Spectrum of Apple Insecticides (Table 15) -- 96
.....Poisoning Hazard to Honey Bees (Table 16) -- 97
.....Pesticide Toxicity to Predators (Table 17) -- 98
Notes on Rodenticides -- 99
Fruit Finish and Phytotoxicity (Table 18) -- 100–101
Spray Mixture Incompatibility (Table 19) -- 102–103
Sprayer Calibration, Tree Row Volume, and Sprayer Setup -- 104–109
.....Measuring Sprayer Output -- 107
.....Adjustments for Different Blocks -- 107–108
Spray Strategies
-- 110–111
Common Problems in Spray Programs -- 111–113
Groundcover Management and Herbicides -- 114–124
.....Groundcover Management -- 114–115
.....Herbicides and their use -- 116–117
.....Notes on Herbicides -- 119–121
.....Calibration for Herbicide Sprayer -- 122
.....Herbicide Selection (Tables 20, 21, 22) --
Protection for Non-Bearing Trees -- 127
Measurement Conversions -- 128
Pesticide Options for Bearing Trees -- 128–144

Part III
Growth Regulator, Thinning, Calcium, and Postharvest Treatments

Chemical Thinning (Tables 23, 24, 25, 26) -- 145–149
Fruit Elongation for Delicious -- 150
Increasing Repeat Bloom After Thinning -- 150
Reduction in Russeting of Golden Delicious -- 151
Ethephon to Control Vegetative Growth -- 151
Apogee to Control Vegetative Growth -- 151–152
Calcium Application (Tables 27, 28) -- 152–155
Chemical Control of Water Sprouts, Root Suckers -- 155
Ethephon to Promote Red Color and Ripening -- 155
Preharvest Drop Control -- 156
Storage Scald Prevention (Table 29) -- 157–159
Use of 1-MCP to Slow Ripening in Storage -- 159

INDEX -- inside back cover

EMERGENCY telephone numbers -- back cover

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