Daniel R. Cooley Introduction.
Probably the most irritating thing about seeing the
characteristic warty red leaves of peach leaf curl is
realizing that it's already too late to do anything about
the disease. The second most irritating thing is realizing
that a single fungicide treatment would, in all likelihood,
have prevented the outbreak. And to really frustrate
growers, the disease often fails to appear for years, even
without fungicide treatments, only to suddenly appear in
epidemic proportions during a particularly wet, cool
spring. Disease Cycle. The
fungus that causes peach leaf curl (Taphrina
deformans) survives as spores in microscopic crevices on
the tree. Spores from old infections lodge in loose bud
scales and other tiny fissures, waiting for the next spring.
Then, spores that are washed into buds or onto the first new
leaves will cause infections if leaves stay wet and
temperatures are between 50º and 70º F. Wet, cool
springs keep peach growth slow, so new buds and leaves
remain susceptible for a long time, and heavy leaf-curl will
develop in untreated peaches. A warm spring, even if it is
wet, won't produce nearly as much disease. Once the fungus is in the leaf tissue, fungicides won't
effect it. Infected leaves characteristically have reddened
warts or curling. Leaves may also appear yellow, orange or
purple. Infections of the new twig tissue cause swelling. In
rare instances, fruit may be infected, and develop raised,
wart-like growths. As the leaf infections age, they turn gray and appear
powdery. The fungus produces spores, which break through the
leaf surface, causing the powdery appearance. These spores
don't cause new infections, but rest in protected areas on
the peach tree until the next. Infected leaves generally
drop in early summer. Treatment. Leaf curl
is relatively easy to prevent, even though the timing of the
treatment is a little inconvenient. A fungicide spray
applied in the autumn after at least 90% leaf-fall, or in
the spring just prior to bud-swell, will generally stop leaf
curl. If an orchard has been heavily diseased, making both
fungicide applications may be necessary to deal with the
large amount of inoculum. The fungicide applications should
not be concentrated to more than 2X, to insure that the
coverage is thorough. Fungicides need to penetrate the
microscopic crevices that are protecting the fungal
spores. The most effective fungicides are chlorothalonil (Bravo)
or copper compounds (Kocide, COCS, etc.). Ziram, lime sulfur
or Bordeaux are useful but somewhat less effective. Check
the label for rates and other use recommendations. For the growing season when a leaf curl epidemic hits,
the only treatment is to minimize stress on the infected
trees. After infected leaves drop, peaches will generally
produce new leaves. This new growth stresses the tree. In
severe cases canker infections develop more easily and trees
may fail to develop adequate winter hardiness. Severe leaf
curl can ruin one season's crop, and may set the stage for
more long-term problems related to stress. Minimize the
stress by supplying some extra fertilizer, particularly
nitrogen, irrigating, and removing the fruit load. [Photo
Michael Ellis, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Ohio State
Department of Microbiology
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
UMass Extension Factsheet F-200 Issued by UMass Extension, Stephen Demski, Director, in furtherance of the acts of May and June 30, 1914. The University of Massachusetts offers equal opportunity in programs and employment.