Apple Scald Prediction Calculator for New England Delicious Apples

Equation 2: To identify scald-resistant Delicious fruit (fewer than 20% likely to scald)

<--- In September enter day of month fruit is harvested, or in October 30 + day of month harvested

<---Number of days minimum temperature less than 50 degrees F. since August 1

<--- Starch Index average value of ten fruit sample (using Cornell generic starch-index chart)


If INDEX greater than zero, fewer than 20% of fruit are likely to scald. No pre-storage treatment with DPA is advised.

If INDEX is less than zero, more than 20% (but possibly less than 60%) of the fruit are likely to scald. You should use Equation 1 to fine tune the need for DPA treatment -- if Equation 1 suggests more than 60% are likely to scald, follow the 2000 ppm. recommendation. If Equation 1 and Equation 2 both produce an INDEX less than zero, then an application of at least 500 ppm. DPA is recommended.

© Copyright 2000, Jon Clements, University of Massachusetts.