Date Location Cultivar Drop Size (in.) Color (% red) Firmness (lbs.) Soluble Solids Starch Index* Taste Disorders Comments
10/02/2002 Belchertown Liberty significant 2.95 90 19 12 4 good, tart some moldy core  
10/02/2002 Belchertown Empire few 2.8 80 16 11.5 4      
10/02/2002 Belchertown Cameo none 3.1 50 striped 18 14 4 very good   variable color
10/02/2002 Belchertown Delicious few 3.0 100 16 12 3 ok slight water core  
9/23/2002 Belchertown Delicious none 2.8 95 18 11 2 ok    
9/23/2002 Belchertown Macoun few 2.9 60 16 13 3 good   treated with Apogee
9/23/2002 Belchertown Macoun some 3.1 70 18 13 3 (2-4) OK-good; some claim a little starch still   treated with ReTain
9/23/2002 Belchertown Cortland few 3.3 65 14 13 4 (1-7) OK 2-moldy core variable maturity; lots of rot(s)
9/13/2002 Belchertown McIntosh nil 3.1 65 15 13 5.7     NC-140 'Jurassic Park'
9/12/2002 Hawley Honeycrisp nil 3.0 45 17.5 12 2.2 good    
9/12/2002 Ashfield McIntosh some 2.8 75 16.5 12 3.7 good    
9/10/2002 Stow Honeycrisp few 3.2 50% striped, dull 17 14 5.5 very sweet   2nd leaf trees; 2nd pick
9/10/2002 Stow Gala nil 2.7   21 14 5 good   2nd pick
9/10/2002 Stow Redmax McIntosh nil 2.9 60% striped 17 12 4 tart-starchy    
9/10/2002 Belchertown McIntosh few 2.9 55 16.5 12 4     ReTain treated
9/9/2002 Belchertown Gala few 3.0 65 17 13 5.5 ok some cracking, splitting; slightly greasy; mites, WALH NC-140
9/9/2002 Belchertown Honeycrisp some 3.3 50% dull red 15 12 5.5 some off-flavor 1-WC 2nd pick
9/6/2002 Belchertown McIntosh some 3.0 70 17 13.5 4.5 good Japanese beetle; Mg deficiency signiifcant drop on stressed trees
9/5/2002 Shelburne Honeycrisp nil 3.0 40% striped 18 13 2.5 OK -- a little ‘bland’ 2-WC; 1-MC some sunburn
9/5/2002 Shelburne Pioneer Mac none 2.9 55% 16 11 3.5 starch and tart; hard for a Mac
poor seeding
9/5/2002 Shelburne Gala none 2.7 80% 20 13 3.0 classic Gala
background color gone to yellow on mature fruit; green on immature
9/4/2002 Belchertown Honeycrisp significant 3.0 55% striped 16 13 6 very sweet; all there none some trees mite-stressed
9/4/2002 Belchertown McIntosh few 3.0 65 16 12 5 starchy and tart none good color, some drop
8/28/2002 Belchertown Honeycrisp few 3.0 50% striped 18 13 3.5

juicy; mite injury to tree causing advanced maturity
8/20/2002 Belchertown Sunrise few 3.0 60 13

slight water core
8/20/2002 Belchertown Zestar! few 3.0 40 16 14 3 not exceptional
some sunburn; attractive, but not terribly so
8/19/2002 Belchertown SANSA few 3.0 40 18 15 2.5 good -- still a little tart 30% water core
8/19/2002 Belchertown Gingergold few 3.1 yellow 21 12 1 OK -- need another week, tops

8/19/2002 Belchertown Paulared significant* 3.2 65 17 12 3 tart-starchy 60% with water core *may have had ethrel

* using the Cornell generic starch-index chart