2001 Tree Fruit Bud Stages

University of Massachusetts Horticulture Research Center

April 23, 2001

'McIntosh' apple–half-inch green

Half-inch green is commonly referred to as 'mouse-ears.' Recent warm temperatures have accelerated growth. Ample green tissue exposed means scab is a real concern. Growers should be covered with a protectant fungicide if rain is predicted. Also, now is a good time to apply oil sprays for mite control.

Pear–tight cluster

Peach–calyx red.

Sweet cherry–tight cluster+

'Shiro' Plum–tight cluster

April 9, 2001 Bud Stages

April 16, 2001 Bud Stages

UMass Fruit Advisor

©2001 Jon Clements, UMass Extension