General comments 082709 apple harvest: all these apples are nearing the end of their harvest window, although Ginger Gold has another 7-10 days. Maturity is moving along rapidly. Cooler weather will promote color development. Keep in mind there can be significant variability within and between orchards. Taste is one of the best indicators of apple maturity. Next week the McIntosh harvest will start. JC

Cultivar date pre-harvest drop fruit diameter inches color % red firmness lbs soluble solids starch index comments
Sansa 08/27/2009 nil 2.8 50 12.3 12.6 6 (4-8) perfect, last chance to pick
Ginger Gold 08/27/2009 none 3.3 NA 18 12.4 3 20% watercore; ready to go
Akane 08/27/2009 few 3.1 70 15.5 12 7.1 better than last time, nice size for Akane, some watercore, definitely ready to harvest
Zestar! 08/27/2009 few 3.3 55 13 13 6.5 (6-7) on it's way out, should be picked by now, but still acceptable