Massachusetts Fruit & Vegetable - Integrated Pest Management Network
Network for Environmental and Weather Awareness
"The value of weather data is greater when it can be shared. NEWA makes it possible for farmers to share resources for weather data collection, analysis, distribution, and archiving. NEWA users reported that they can save, on average, $19,500 per year in spray costs and prevent, on average, $264,000 per year in crop loss as a direct result of using NEWA pest forecast models."
"NEWA connects you with data from electronic weather stations in the Northeast through the Internet. Farmers, consultants, food processors, NYS IPM, airports, and Cornell research farms provide the weather stations. The NEWA website provides weather information for more precise IPM and crop production practices. Weather information and pest forecast models enhance decision-making in IPM, especially for plant diseases and insects.
NEWA (currently) provides these models of interest to fruit & vegetable growers...
Monitoring: on-site pheromone trap/threshold/incidence monitoring for above insect pests and more by MFV-IPM staff; results input to Google Docs (collaborative) and NEWA and to set NEWA biofix; set growers up to use TRAC pesticide recordkeeping software; F2F with cooperating growers, eventually teaching growers to do monitoring; baseline data collection; basis for Facebook posts
Facebook Group updated by staff based on NEWA and scouting observations; questions/comments from participating MFV-IPM growers and others.
"Facebook Groups are used for discussions and events etc. Groups are a way of enabling a number of people to come together online to share information and discuss specific subjects. They are increasingly used by clubs, companies and public sector organizations to engage with stakeholders - be they members of the public, employees, members, service users, shareholders or customers. A group is comprised of but not limited to the following: the members who have joined, recent news contents, discussion board contents, wall contents, photos, posted items, videos and all associated comments of such items."