Risk Assessment Survey 

In order to accurately determine risks that agricultural producers in the Mid-Atlantic states face; a survey was developed that asked producers from diverse agricultural backgrounds to rate their risk management concerns.  (A copy of this survey has been provided to the reader for reference).  The application of these survey results allowed for us to design this series of risk management workbooks according to those risks that command your attention.  The following workbook is intended to provide the reader with common risk management concerns that exist amongst our modern agricultural producers.

Farmers were asked to rank risk according to its level of importance in their operation on a scale of 1 to 5; with 1 least important and 5 most important.

On average, fruit producers indicated that their risk of primary concern is production risks; while human resource risks are of limited concern.

The following list represents how fruit producers ranked the five areas of risk from most important to least important:

1. Production Risk

2. Legal Risk

3. Marketing Risk

4. Financial Risk

5. Human Resource Risk


Of these major risk areas producers ranked the following risk management tools according to how well they addressed each risk.  The anatomization of the five areas of risk and how farmers ranked them are provided in the following graphs.  The numbers after each respective risk and/or tool indicates the average ranking results from the producer survey.