Year Peach/Nectarine Cultivar Harvest Date Flesh Color Crop Load Size Shape Fuzz Bact Spot Red Skin Split Pit Attractiveness Freestone Flesh Red Firmness Sol Solids Comments
2010 peach PF-1 7/6/2010 yellow moderate 2.6 round, lobed light
90 few fair
trace 8.5 (4-16) 9.3 ready for 1st pick, quite red, small size
2010 peach Earlystar 7/9/2010 yellow moderate 2.8 round light none 70 none good clingstone trace-10% 9 NA quite tart, almost ready for first pick
2010 peach PF-1 7/9/2010 yellow heavy 2.4 round light
80 few fair
trace 6 9.3 quite ripe, ready for harvest
2010 other JL1024 apricot 7/9/2010 yellow light 1.8 oblong-ovate none slight 45 none excellent semi-freestone none NA NA not quite there, but almost; give it a few more days; shy cropping, but only one tree; shows signs of bacterial canker on spurs; otherwise nice apricot
2010 peach Garnet Beauty 7/16/2010 yellow moderate 2.75 mostly oblong light none 80 none good clingstone trace 4 9.8 quite ripe; somewhat mottled red skin (distinctive); nice, just ; fairly uniform
2010 peach Risingstar 7/16/2010 yellow moderate 2.8 round w/ lobing light none 70 few good clingstone trace 6 9.6 a little variable, seem OK, definitely ready for 1st pick very soon
2010 peach Risingstar 7/20/2010 yellow moderate 3.0 round light none 80 common fair clingstone none 6.5 10.6 too many spilt pits this year; not ripening as fast as I thought
Brightstar 7/20/2010 yellow moderate 3.0 round with beak light none 75 none good clingstone trace 7 11.6 nice, good crop, compares favorably (if not better) to Risingstar
2010 nectarine Jade 7/27/2010 white moderate 2.8 oblong none none 95 none good clingstone 10-25% 4 11.2 some skin blemishes; uneven ripening; a tart, white-flesh early nectarine that is marginally recommended
2010 nectarine Honeykist 7/27/2010 yellow moderate 2.6 oblong none moderate 95 none fair clingstone trace 12 11.7 a little on the dry side; some a little spongy; sub-acid flavor; just about there, pick this week; having trouble recommending due to quality issues and bacterial spot
2010 peach Countrysweet 7/27/2010 yellow moderate 2.8 round light slight 90 none excellent clingstone
7 10.8 very uniform peach; I still like this one, but bacterial spot is a problem (mostly on the foliage)
2010 peach PF-14 Jersey 8/3/2010 yellow heavy 2.8 oblong (very slightly) to round light none 75 none excellent clingstone trace 10 10.8 just ready for 1st pick; a very nice peach
2010 peach Redhaven 8/3/2010 yellow moderate 3.2 mostly round light none 40 few good clingstone trace 6.3 10.1 mostly ready to go; original prediction was 7/30/2010, pretty close
2010 other NJ-16 donut 8/3/2010 yellow moderate 1.8/3 (L/D) flat light none 0 few good
none 4 11.6 very nice, some skin defects and other anomalies; should double price over regular peaches
2010 peach Starfire 8/9/2010 yellow light 3.0 round w/ lobe light none 80 none fair clingstone trace 7 11 light crop, hard to get excited about
2010 peach Redhaven 8/9/2010 yellow moderate 3 mostly round light none 60 none good clingstone trace 6 11.4 at tree-ripe peak but mostly picked; still has classic yellow peach flavor
2010 peach PF-14 Jersey 8/9/2010
heavy 2.8 round like a tennis ball light slight 70 none excellent clingstone trace 9.4 11.9 a very consistent, nice peach; on the dry side
2010 peach RedStar 8/9/2010 yellow moderate 3.2 round, irregular light none 80 none fair clingstone trace 3 (1-7) 10.3 nothing special, BlazingStar much better; larger fruit over-ripe
2010 peach BlazingStar 8/9/2010 yellow moderate 2.8 round, slightly flattened light none 95 none excellent clingstone trace 8.2 10.9 crop load moderate-heavy; always nice, but on the small side; a little rubbery
2010 other NJF 17 donut 8/15/2010 white moderate 1.8/3 L/D flat light none 0 none good
none 4.2 15.1 quite nice other than some russet/defect at ends; just right
2010 nectarine Summer Beauty 8/15/2010 yellow light 2.6 oblong none none 95 none good clingstone trace-10% 10.2 (5-15) NA a tart, yellow flesh classic nectartine; just about right to pick; has been shy bearing all-along; mediocre to good
2010 peach Allstar 8/15/2010 yellow moderate 2.8 slight oblong light none 50 none good clingstone trace 6.4 11.2 rather juicy, nice flavor; good
2010 peach Coralstar 8/15/2010 yellow light 3 mostly round-oblong with beak light none 60, variable none fair clingstone trace 9.2 (3-12) 12.5 not sure what the pluses are: a little variable, lighter crop load; good flavor though
2010 peach Sugar Giant 8/24/2010 white moderate 3.2 mostly round light moderate 90 none good semi-freestone none 6.6 11.4 large fruit, hard to get excited about; bacterial spot an issue
2010 peach Beaumont 8/24/2010 yellow light 2.8 somewhat oblong light none 65 variable
good freestone trace 9 NA just barely ready to pick but nice yellow undercolor; small fruit despite light crop load? probably an excellent peach for canning or processing
2010 peach GlowingStar 8/30/2010
light 3.0 round with rib light none 65 none good freestone trace 10.2 (4-14) NA nice, attractive, but light crop load
2010 peach BlushingStar 8/30/2010 white light 3.0 round with rib light none 60 none good semi-freestone trace 6.8
very nice white flesh peach for this season; don t let over-ripen